Often sudden onset, congestive headaches with throbbing, hammering headache. Pain in forehead, worse templates, or right template, accompanied by fever. Causation can be sunstroke or cold drafts after washing the hair.
Better: sitting down.
Worse: noise, light, lying down and in the afternoon.
Migraine headache as if brain was too full or as if hit by a hammer from within. Pain over left eye, going to occiput and spreading down to the whole body.
Better: closing eyes, cold and pressure.
Worse: motion and mental exertion.
Pain comes in waves, pounding pain often caused by congestive sunstrokes and or hot weather. Veins feels distended and head feels heavy but still feels better when it is kept up. Neuralgia to head and face with flushed red face alternated with pale, cold sweating.
Better: open air, cold applications, elevating head.
Worse: in the sun, hot weather, lying down, walking.
Iris versicolor
Dull, throbbing frontal headaches with vertigo, nausea, vomiting and / or ringing in the ears. Headache begins with blurring vision, or pain over one eye, often after exhaustion (studies). Pain alternate sides or feels as a band around the hole head.
Better: continued motion.
Worse: worse resting, in the evening and/or night.
Natrum muriaticum
Migraine headaches as if thousand hammers were knocking on the brain. Photophobic, pains start over the eyes, with disturbed vision, blinding pain. Headaches can be caused by grief and anemia and before or during the menses.
Better: sleep, open air, lying with head high and pressure on eyes.
Worse: noise, sunlight and in a warm room, menses.
Nux vomica
Congestive headache over the eyes or in occiput. Workaholic, competitive and easily irritable, the nux vomica headaches are caused by all kinds of excesses: drugs, alcohol, food, stimulants.
Better: while at rest and in the evening.
Worse: sunshine, morning and after eating.
Headaches feels heavy over one eye, with intense sensitivity to odors and hunger. The eyes feel strained, the person feels exhausted and weak. Chronic pains and a feeling of burning coming from the spine. Tendency to headaches before thunderstorms. Hypersensitive, fright, grief and shock could be aetiologies to the headache.
Better: for drinking cold and refreshing food.
Worse: better for short naps and a little snack.